Shipping and Returns

Shipping within France

Most items on the website are stocked in France.

There are two options for delivery within France:

  • Economy Delivery, tracked delivery within 7 days - 0 €

  • Fast Delivery, tracked delivery within 2 days - 6 €

If your items are not in stock in France, you will be notified of a slightly longer delivery timing before we ship.

Shipping to the rest of the EU

We deliver to all member states of the EU. For sales across the EU we send from France unless stock is only held in the UK. There are never any additional charges if we ship from the UK.

  • Economy Delivery, tracked delivery usually within 7 days - 0 €

EU delivery (outside France) usually takes around 1 week to arrive.

Warranty & Returns

We provide a 1 year warranty on Kit-Cat products sold through this website against manufacturing defects.

We provide a full EU based warranty service, providing replacement of faulty clocks, and replacement parts if necessary.

Occasionally clocks can be damaged due to rough handling during delivery. If your clock has arrived damaged or you have any warranty questions please email us. Email:

We accept returns for change of mind within 14 days of purchase (buyer pays for return postage)